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Friday was National Dog Biscuit Day

Updated: Nov 17, 2021

Everyone has heard about national doughnut or taco day, but have you heard that February 23 is National Dog Biscuit Day AND International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day?? Is it biscuit? Or bisquit? We found both...

It only makes sense that our four legged friends would get their own national day for their special treats. Yum. What kind of biscuits do most dogs like? Crunchy peanut butter cookies or soft pumpkin treats? No matter what your dogs preference, there are plenty of great places here in Gainesville and the surrounding areas to purchase great doggy biscuits. Earth Pets Natural Pet Market (located next door to our Holistic and Wellness Center) has some great options. They even have frosted cut-out cookies in their bakery section.

If you don't want to purchase biscuits at the grocery store, you can always make some tasty treats at home. Have you considered thinly slicing sweet potatoes and baking them for a couple hours at 250 degrees? You get a crunchy, nutritional treat you can share with your dog. A lot of dogs like cut up pieces of apple, baby carrots or even frozen green beans. If you're not sure what size of a biscuit is okay for your dog to eat, just contact your local veterinarian in Gainesville, Florida. Or, feel free to contact any Newberry Animal Hospital location.

Dogs around the world are enjoying this day by getting an extra biscuit or two, so make sure you include your dog. Or check out our page to find a place where he can go WITH you to pick out his own treat. Cheers to National Biscuit Day!

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