According to an article by Kate Furthy in the Washington Post, veterinarians across the country are often seeing cases where a canine diet that is grain-free (high in legumes) may be linked to a type of heart disease that was originally, and primarily known, as only a genetic disorder. This link has triggered a joint investigation between the USFDA and Veterinarians. They have discovered the relationship between boutique, grain-free diets and a type of heart disease called canine dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). The symptoms can present as a cough, but move to a stage where the dog may stop eating, and has trouble breathing. ‘Canine DCM weakens the dog’s heart, preventing it from pumping enough blood, according to Dr. Adin, a Veterinarian in N.C. assisting in the investigation. The FDA issued a cautionary statement on July 12, 2019, that DCM was typically caused by a genetic predisposition in large breed dogs such as Great Danes and Newfoundlands...but more recent cases have included breeds like: Retrievers, Whippets, Shih Tzu, Bulldogs, Mini-Schnauzers, and mixed breeds.’ More specifically, this condition is linked to TAURINE deficiency. Taurine is an essential amino acid, and is an important nutrient in many dog foods, often found in organ meat, lungs, liver, etc which are all great for dogs to eat. The data from
this investigation to date has indicated that in dogs that are genetically predisposed to DCM, the condition, if left unchecked, can be irreversible. In dogs that are not genetically predisposed, proper treatment (adding taurine to the diet) can reverse the disorder if caught early enough. For more information about this topic, please ask our doctors.

Successful K9 Splash Bash Event!!
Congratulations goes out to the winner of the raffle proceeds:
Faithful Friends Pet Rescue & Rehoming
Officially founded in February of 2018, Faithful Friends was born out of a desired from a group of animal rescue veterans committed to transparency and community support.
• completed 675 adoptions in 2019, on pace for 1000 adoptions in just our second year.
•Over 75% of our dogs and 100% of cats in our program live in foster homes with families, learning to be pets. The small number in our kennels are usually, new moms and dogs needing a little extra medical care.
• Executive Director Andrea specializes in abandoned puppies, and mama dogs who find themselves in a shelter.